SPECTRUM range of emotion art show
If you missed out coming to this event, boy do we feel sorry for you! But no worries, we are sure that there will be more events in the near future like this for all you creatives to enjoy.
This Creative Networking event, was brought to you by loving sisters of color & light, Betty Dawl and Dj. Henesis!
On June 1st, 2017 from 8pm-12am, The Bricks of Ybor was completely packed with creatives from dancers, singers, models, visual artists, fashion designers and much more!
When first entering the venue, what immediately catches your eyes- other than Ms. Dawl's metallic platform shoes-are the brick walls, covered in a beautiful range of styles & colors. Visual Artistry brought to Ybor by fantastic artists, including myself *flips hair*(full list of artists below). Each of these artists were given a task to include artistry that tackled a specific emotion, happiness, sadness, lust, envy, love, you name it! Providing a spectrum of emotions, translated through visuals-hence the brilliant name! And paired along with the veiw, Dj. Henesis is giving us all the right vibes, keeping everyone dancing all night long. At certain point there was even a dance battle! DJ. Henesis did THAT, okay?
On top of the visuals, music, and people, femme visionary vendors like @TheVintagePlug and @Buelistic were providing timeless looks, clothing (TheVintagePlug) and artistry (Buelistic).
Many people love events but miss out because of expensive admission, but that was not an issue of Spectrum.
Wanna know Ticket Price? NO NEED TO WORRY! This was absolutely FREE! The only issue I could possibly find was that it didn't last longer. I traveled over 200 miles on a spare tire going less than 40 mph with my best friend through Florida's random storms-but thats another story... Bottom line? Spectrum's outcome made it worth every second and I cannot wait to work with all the creatives once again.
This was an event for artists by artists. A grand time for Networking and blossoming inspiration.
SPECTRUM range of emotion art show
Curated by Betty Dawl & Dj. Henesis
Milli Misa
Fooly Jewelry
Bailey Ann-Marie
Nashely Mangolicy
Be sure to support Betty Dawl in all that she does. Well done,Ms. Dawl
IG: @bettydawl
Twitter: @BettyDawL